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We propose two novel ideas (adoption of deferred rendering and mesh-based representation) to improve the quality of 3D Gaussian splatting (3DGS) based inverse rendering. We first report a problem incurred by hidden Gaussians, where Gaussians beneath the surface adversely affect the pixel color in the volume rendering adopted by the existing methods. In order to resolve the problem, we propose applying deferred rendering and report new problems incurred in a naive application of deferred rendering to the existing 3DGS-based inverse rendering. In an effort to improve the quality of 3DGS-based inverse rendering under deferred rendering, we propose a novel two-step training approach which (1) exploits mesh extraction and utilizes a hybrid mesh-3DGS representation and (2) applies novel regularization methods to better exploit the mesh. Our experiments show that, under relighting, the proposed method offers significantly better rendering quality than the existing 3DGS-based inverse rendering methods. Compared with the SOTA voxel grid-based inverse rendering method, it gives better rendering quality while offering real-time rendering.


Relighting, which synthesizes a novel view under a given lighting condition (unseen in training time), is a must feature for immersive photo-realistic experience. However, real-time relighting is challenging due to high computation cost of the rendering equation which requires shape and material decomposition and visibility test to model shadow. Additionally, for indirect illumination, additional computation of rendering equation on each secondary surface point (where reflection occurs) is required rendering real-time relighting challenging. We propose a novel method that executes a CNN renderer to compute primary surface points and rendering parameters, required for direct illumination. We also present a lightweight hash grid-based renderer, for indirect illumination, which is recursively executed to perform the secondary ray tracing process. Both renderers are trained in a distillation from a pre-trained teacher model and provide real-time physically-based rendering under unseen lighting condition at a negligible loss of rendering quality.


Image-goal navigation enables a robot to reach the location where a target image was captured, using visual cues for guidance. However, current methods either rely heavily on data and computationally expensive learning-based approaches or lack efficiency in complex environments due to insufficient exploration strategies. To address these limitations, we propose Bayesian Embodied Image-goal Navigation Using Gaussian Splatting, a novel method that formulates ImageNav as an optimal control problem within a model predictive control framework. BEINGS leverages 3D Gaussian Splatting as a scene prior to predict future observations, enabling efficient, real-time navigation decisions grounded in the robot's sensory experiences. By integrating Bayesian updates, our method dynamically refines the robot's strategy without requiring extensive prior experience or data. Our algorithm is validated through extensive simulations and physical experiments, showcasing its potential for embodied robot systems in visually complex scenarios.


Sim2Real transfer, particularly for manipulation policies relying on RGB images, remains a critical challenge in robotics due to the significant domain shift between synthetic and real-world visual data. In this paper, we propose SplatSim, a novel framework that leverages Gaussian Splatting as the primary rendering primitive to reduce the Sim2Real gap for RGB-based manipulation policies. By replacing traditional mesh representations with Gaussian Splats in simulators, SplatSim produces highly photorealistic synthetic data while maintaining the scalability and cost-efficiency of simulation. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework by training manipulation policies within SplatSim}and deploying them in the real world in a zero-shot manner, achieving an average success rate of 86.25%, compared to 97.5% for policies trained on real-world data.


This paper presents DENSER, an efficient and effective approach leveraging 3D Gaussian splatting (3DGS) for the reconstruction of dynamic urban environments. While several methods for photorealistic scene representations, both implicitly using neural radiance fields (NeRF) and explicitly using 3DGS have shown promising results in scene reconstruction of relatively complex dynamic scenes, modeling the dynamic appearance of foreground objects tend to be challenging, limiting the applicability of these methods to capture subtleties and details of the scenes, especially far dynamic objects. To this end, we propose DENSER, a framework that significantly enhances the representation of dynamic objects and accurately models the appearance of dynamic objects in the driving scene. Instead of directly using Spherical Harmonics (SH) to model the appearance of dynamic objects, we introduce and integrate a new method aiming at dynamically estimating SH bases using wavelets, resulting in better representation of dynamic objects appearance in both space and time. Besides object appearance, DENSER enhances object shape representation through densification of its point cloud across multiple scene frames, resulting in faster convergence of model training. Extensive evaluations on KITTI dataset show that the proposed approach significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods by a wide margin. Source codes and models will be uploaded to this repository


SAFER-Splat (Simultaneous Action Filtering and Environment Reconstruction) is a real-time, scalable, and minimally invasive action filter, based on control barrier functions, for safe robotic navigation in a detailed map constructed at runtime using Gaussian Splatting (GSplat). We propose a novel Control Barrier Function (CBF) that not only induces safety with respect to all Gaussian primitives in the scene, but when synthesized into a controller, is capable of processing hundreds of thousands of Gaussians while maintaining a minimal memory footprint and operating at 15 Hz during online Splat training. Of the total compute time, a small fraction of it consumes GPU resources, enabling uninterrupted training. The safety layer is minimally invasive, correcting robot actions only when they are unsafe. To showcase the safety filter, we also introduce SplatBridge, an open-source software package built with ROS for real-time GSplat mapping for robots. We demonstrate the safety and robustness of our pipeline first in simulation, where our method is 20-50x faster, safer, and less conservative than competing methods based on neural radiance fields. Further, we demonstrate simultaneous GSplat mapping and safety filtering on a drone hardware platform using only on-board perception. We verify that under teleoperation a human pilot cannot invoke a collision. Our videos and codebase can be found at


Relighting radiance fields is severely underconstrained for multi-view data, which is most often captured under a single illumination condition; It is especially hard for full scenes containing multiple objects. We introduce a method to create relightable radiance fields using such single-illumination data by exploiting priors extracted from 2D image diffusion models. We first fine-tune a 2D diffusion model on a multi-illumination dataset conditioned by light direction, allowing us to augment a single-illumination capture into a realistic -- but possibly inconsistent -- multi-illumination dataset from directly defined light directions. We use this augmented data to create a relightable radiance field represented by 3D Gaussian splats. To allow direct control of light direction for low-frequency lighting, we represent appearance with a multi-layer perceptron parameterized on light direction. To enforce multi-view consistency and overcome inaccuracies we optimize a per-image auxiliary feature vector. We show results on synthetic and real multi-view data under single illumination, demonstrating that our method successfully exploits 2D diffusion model priors to allow realistic 3D relighting for complete scenes. Project site


3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) is a recent explicit 3D representation that has achieved high-quality reconstruction and real-time rendering of complex scenes. However, the rasterization pipeline still suffers from unnecessary overhead resulting from avoidable serial Gaussian culling, and uneven load due to the distinct number of Gaussian to be rendered across pixels, which hinders wider promotion and application of 3DGS. In order to accelerate Gaussian splatting, we propose AdR-Gaussian, which moves part of serial culling in Render stage into the earlier Preprocess stage to enable parallel culling, employing adaptive radius to narrow the rendering pixel range for each Gaussian, and introduces a load balancing method to minimize thread waiting time during the pixel-parallel rendering. Our contributions are threefold, achieving a rendering speed of 310% while maintaining equivalent or even better quality than the state-of-the-art. Firstly, we propose to early cull Gaussian-Tile pairs of low splatting opacity based on an adaptive radius in the Gaussian-parallel Preprocess stage, which reduces the number of affected tile through the Gaussian bounding circle, thus reducing unnecessary overhead and achieving faster rendering speed. Secondly, we further propose early culling based on axis-aligned bounding box for Gaussian splatting, which achieves a more significant reduction in ineffective expenses by accurately calculating the Gaussian size in the 2D directions. Thirdly, we propose a balancing algorithm for pixel thread load, which compresses the information of heavy-load pixels to reduce thread waiting time, and enhance information of light-load pixels to hedge against rendering quality loss. Experiments on three datasets demonstrate that our algorithm can significantly improve the Gaussian Splatting rendering speed.


We introduce Crowd-Sourced Splatting (CSS), a novel 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) pipeline designed to overcome the challenges of pose-free scene reconstruction using crowd-sourced imagery. The dream of reconstructing historically significant but inaccessible scenes from collections of photographs has long captivated researchers. However, traditional 3D techniques struggle with missing camera poses, limited viewpoints, and inconsistent lighting. CSS addresses these challenges through robust geometric priors and advanced illumination modeling, enabling high-quality novel view synthesis under complex, real-world conditions. Our method demonstrates clear improvements over existing approaches, paving the way for more accurate and flexible applications in AR, VR, and large-scale 3D reconstruction.


Volumetric video represents a transformative advancement in visual media, enabling users to freely navigate immersive virtual experiences and narrowing the gap between digital and real worlds. However, the need for extensive manual intervention to stabilize mesh sequences and the generation of excessively large assets in existing workflows impedes broader adoption. In this paper, we present a novel Gaussian-based approach, dubbed \textit{DualGS}, for real-time and high-fidelity playback of complex human performance with excellent compression ratios. Our key idea in DualGS is to separately represent motion and appearance using the corresponding skin and joint Gaussians. Such an explicit disentanglement can significantly reduce motion redundancy and enhance temporal coherence. We begin by initializing the DualGS and anchoring skin Gaussians to joint Gaussians at the first frame. Subsequently, we employ a coarse-to-fine training strategy for frame-by-frame human performance modeling. It includes a coarse alignment phase for overall motion prediction as well as a fine-grained optimization for robust tracking and high-fidelity rendering. To integrate volumetric video seamlessly into VR environments, we efficiently compress motion using entropy encoding and appearance using codec compression coupled with a persistent codebook. Our approach achieves a compression ratio of up to 120 times, only requiring approximately 350KB of storage per frame. We demonstrate the efficacy of our representation through photo-realistic, free-view experiences on VR headsets, enabling users to immersively watch musicians in performance and feel the rhythm of the notes at the performers' fingertips.

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