Michael Rubloff
Aug 23, 2024
Just ahead of the weekend, everyone's favorite Radiance Field platform announces several major updates.
There are so many features that arrived today, the first being full RAW, HDR support, and 16bit and 32bit integer colors for training images. Additionally, several color spaces have been added in addition to sRGB and now extends to ACES, HLG/Rec. 2020, and Adobe RGB.
GPU memory usage during training has been reduced by approximately 15%, alongside various other performance improvements. New parameters for rendering and radiance field training have been added to give users finer control over the final output.
Several new UI features have been added, including a separate brush selection mode, missing image relocation options, and a 'File/Open Recent' submenu. The UI now also displays more relevant information, such as trained step counts in the radiance field model stats and separate image counts for various image sets.
Numerous fixes improve the UI's stability and responsiveness, including addressing issues with incorrect camera poses, splat density restoration, and progress indicators. Enhancements have also been made to make the interface more intuitive, such as improved brush size adjustment and selection tool shortcuts.
People will also be excited to learn that Reality Capture cameras/points in CSV/PLY formats are now officially supported.
To take a look at the full changelog, please check here.
People who have been in the Postshot Discord have gotten early access to some of these features, but there's quite a lot of amazing progress that's been introduced.
This article will continue to be updated. There's a lot new here.