Michael Rubloff
Nov 11, 2024
For the first update in a little more than two months, a flurry of updates was pushed into the Nerfstudio codebase. This update mainly features quality of life improvements to the codebase.
One of my favorite additions to 1.1.5 is to add more naming information when exporting plys. I have found it a little difficult to keep them organized on export, making this a welcome addition. Interestingly, there is now the ability to export out a point cloud from their implementation of Zip-NeRF, though I'm not exactly sure how that would work or what that implies.
The team has also bumped versions for dependencies like viser (to 0.2.7) and gsplat (to 1.4.0), rounding out a suite of improvements that culminate in the codebase now reaching version 1.1.5.
Please see below for the full changelog:
Bump viser to 0.2.7 by @ginazhouhuiwu in #3398
Add eval data to image_rename_map by @jiaruiyu99 in #3396
Update dockerfile and add docker build action by @jkulhanek in #3283
RGBA renderer for splatfacto by @hardikdava in #3307
bugfix: handle multiple camera types in a single batch by @decrispell in #3415
Add option to start training paused by @aayushg55 in #3420
Fix docker attestation fail on forked repo PRs by @jkulhanek in #3423
use gsplat strategy interface to simplify splatfacto by @jb-ye in #3376
Minor update to generate splat files in inference mode by @maxwildersmith in #3432
Fix crop obb masking in pointcloud generation by @nepfaff in #3433
Adding Random Seed for Frame Processing by @Anthony-Tafoya in #3416
Fix splatfacto crash in eval when using viewer by @aayushg55 in #3430
Zipnerf point cloud and tsdf mesh export support by @aayushg55 in #3429
Rejection sample mask for patch pixel sampler by @nepfaff in #3457
Make PixelSampler the depth-nerfacto default by @nepfaff in #3454
arguments for Aria data processing by @brentyi in #3466Add option for refining the TSDF using the mesh's AABB by @nepfaff in #3459
Add option to change .ply output filename for Gaussian exports by @brentyi in #3467
tag exported ply files by @simonbethke in #3472
Properly reset train state after render lock in viewer by @kerrj in #3486
Restrict pymeshlab version on Windows (3461) by @SharkWipf in #3474
fix: saving ckpt error when ckpt folder has some folder inside by @Crescent-Saturn in #3516
Nerfstudio remains completely free to use and commercially viable with an Apache 2.0 license. If you are considering making a PR, they are welcomed!