Following up the wildly successful #InstantNeRF contest last year, NVIDIA AI has announced another contest to highlight the added VR functionality into Instant-NeRF.
In order to enter the contest, you must
Refrain using from vulgar, profane, or controversial subjects.
Do not use actual people in your scene.
The scene must be rendered appropriately, meaning it must be identifiable, complete, and at least 15 seconds long.
Enter the sweepstakes by tweeting your video submission (or DM a link to your .ingp file if you don’t have VR) to the @NVIDIAAIDev Twitter handle and use the hashtag: #InstantNeRFVR.
Submissions entered between January 31 and March 3, 2023, will be considered.
The winner will be announced after March 22nd, 2023!