We are officially on the other side of SIGGRAPH and what a week it was! I have a lot of catching up to do, starting with this article.
While it was not shown at the conference this year, there were murmurs and questions abound about where Neuralangelo would get its formal release. We did not have to wait long, as NVIDIA announced that it is now available from their Github. In case you were wondering what the demand level was for Neuralangelo, it's currently sitting as the 4th most trending repository today on Github!
For those wondering, what exactly is Neuralangelo, check out my article from earlier this year!
“The 3D reconstruction capabilities Neuralangelo offers will be a huge benefit to creators, helping them recreate the real world in the digital world,” said Ming-Yu Liu, senior director of research and co-author on the paper. “This tool will eventually enable developers to import detailed objects — whether small statues or massive buildings — into virtual environments for video games or industrial digital twins.”
Formerly, Neuralangelo (as well as bakedangelo) was available through SDF Studio.
Similar to Instant-NGP, this is not available for commercial use, without a license from NVIDIA, so if you choose to take on some projects, make sure you apply early!
Wow, it feels great to be writing again! Get ready for a busy week.