Letian Huang

Jie Guo

Jialin Dan

Ruoyu Fu

Shujie Wang

Yuanqi Li

Yanwen Guo

Recently, 3D Gaussian Splatting (3D-GS) has achieved impressive results in novel view synthesis, demonstrating high fidelity and efficiency. However, it easily exhibits needle-like artifacts, especially when increasing the sampling rate. Mip-Splatting tries to remove these artifacts with a 3D smoothing filter for frequency constraints and a 2D Mip filter for approximated supersampling. Unfortunately, it tends to produce over-blurred results, and sometimes needle-like Gaussians still persist. Our spectral analysis of the covariance matrix during optimization and densification reveals that current 3D-GS lacks shape awareness, relying instead on spectral radius and view positional gradients to determine splitting. As a result, needle-like Gaussians with small positional gradients and low spectral entropy fail to split and overfit high-frequency details. Furthermore, both the filters used in 3D-GS and Mip-Splatting reduce the spectral entropy and increase the condition number during zooming in to synthesize novel view, causing view inconsistencies and more pronounced artifacts. Our Spectral-GS, based on spectral analysis, introduces 3D shape-aware splitting and 2D view-consistent filtering strategies, effectively addressing these issues, enhancing 3D-GS's capability to represent high-frequency details without noticeable artifacts, and achieving high-quality photorealistic rendering.