Akiya Research Gaussian Splatting UE 5 Plugin V1.9 Released
Michael Rubloff
Nov 28, 2023
Akiya Research has released their latest update to their Gaussian Splatting UE 5 Plugin.
They have added a new rendering method compatible with SceneCapture2D. They also have stated it's compatible with other platforms as well. I have reached out to them for clarification.
Previously, they released V1.8, which came with the below features:
Added an option to control the size of the gaussians in the Niagara System.
.ply files output by Super Splat v0.10.3 are now supported.
I would like to focus on the taking a look at the Niagara particles. You can now begin to override the Niagara particles to use your own. They show three examples of a Move by Wind Force and a Rotate by Curl Noise option. All three create a fantastical creation that you might be accustomed from seeing coming out of Unity.
The plugin continues to be available for purchase from the Unreal Engine Marketplace for $99.