Infinite Realities Intros 3DGS Merging

Michael Rubloff

Michael Rubloff

Oct 2, 2023

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Infinite Realities
Infinite Realities

Infinite Realities is back at it, again! This time showing off an update to their 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) pipeline.

They announced that they are able to implement 3DGS Merging into the same project file. They show off 10 (Ten!?) humans in the same scene, spread across different layers. This is an awesome achievement and somehow the combined file size is still at 350MB. Additionally, they are still able to retain 180 fps throughout the scene, while all being run on a single 4090 GPU.

There are so many amazing potential applications. Besides comparing it to Photoshop and the possibilities of layering creates, we're able to evaluate progressions and timelines.

I wrote earlier this year about radiance fields' impact on the fashion industry and this blows open the doors for interactive fashion shows and the viewing of full season lines from a single file. Imagine how helpful that will be to consumers to view an entire brand's offering in full photorealism!

As they demonstrate, it also makes for a helpful how-to or progression guide. You can see how this makes for an effective yoga course— though I continue to believe that sports recovery will be a huge beneficiary.

While their custom SIBR viewer is not available to the public, they did state that they are having licensing conversations with INRIA, which would allow Infinite Realities to be able to release it. This would be the first publicly confirmed officially licensed iteration of 3D Gaussian Splatting.

Some people were asking if it's possible to create camera paths through the scene and Infinite Realities confirmed that it is. I am terribly excited for them to sign their licensing agreement, albeit for selfish reason, so that we can get in there and try out what they've created. We are continuing to move forward to a timeline where these technological advances are even more accessible to a larger demographic. As this progresses and industries realize the implications of the product, it seems likely that we will see mass adoption of photorealistic 3D.

How long will it be before we get a full recreation of Sergeant Pepper's album cover in 3DGS? I'm not sure, but I'm off to send a very important email to Apple Corps.