Luma AI Announces Full Volumetric NeRF Rendering in Web Browser

Michael Rubloff

Michael Rubloff

Feb 23, 2023

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Luma AI
Luma AI

Today on its corporate Twitter, Luma AI has announced that full volumetric NeRF rendering in real-time on the web.

Currently, one of the hardest things to demonstrate to an average person is the photorealistic capabilities of NeRF. This announcement will greatly reduce the barrier to showing more and more people the power and possibilities of NeRFs. Luma AI's mission is to bring 3D to everyone, and not only is this completely in line, but expands it into photorealistic 3D.

As of this publishing, the feature has not been rolled out to users, but their Twitter account confirmed that it will be coming " pretty soon!"

A smaller note that they snuck into the tweet the teaser that their NeRF-RT renderer will be brought to other tools. What this could be is anyone's guess, though after Nerfstudio's synergy with Polycam, perhaps there is something to explore...

If you or someone you know is interested in working at Luma AI, they are currently hiring for Generative Research, Graphics, and ML Engineering roles.


