Zhangshuo Qi

Junyi Ma

Jingyi Xu

Zijie Zhou

Luqi Cheng

Guangming Xiong

Place recognition is a crucial module to ensure autonomous vehicles obtain usable localization information in GPS-denied environments. In recent years, multimodal place recognition methods have gained increasing attention due to their ability to overcome the weaknesses of unimodal sensor systems by leveraging complementary information from different modalities. However, challenges arise from the necessity of harmonizing data across modalities and exploiting the spatio-temporal correlations between them sufficiently. In this paper, we propose a 3D Gaussian Splatting-based multimodal place recognition neural network dubbed GSPR. It explicitly combines multi-view RGB images and LiDAR point clouds into a spatio-temporally unified scene representation with the proposed Multimodal Gaussian Splatting. A network composed of 3D graph convolution and transformer is designed to extract high-level spatio-temporal features and global descriptors from the Gaussian scenes for place recognition. We evaluate our method on the nuScenes dataset, and the experimental results demonstrate that our method can effectively leverage complementary strengths of both multi-view cameras and LiDAR, achieving SOTA place recognition performance while maintaining solid generalization ability. Our open-source code is available at https://github.com/QiZS-BIT/GSPR.